Practice Test-01
Heading: A neighbor with whom you are well familiarized.
Part 1: Introduction and Interview
Read the questions below and answer verbally each with at least one sentence.
Where do you live?
Is your home in a convenient location?
What do you like about where you live?
How do you usually get around?
Do you plan to stay long where you are?
Does your family have a garden?
Is it common to have gardens in your country?
What plants do people grow in gardens?
Can people grow vegetables in their gardens?
Do many people in your country enjoy gardening?
Part 2: Individual Long Turn
Spend one minute preparing notes and gathering your thoughts on the topic. After that, try to practice speaking about the topic for one to two minutes.
· Describe details about a neighbor you are familiar with:
· Identify the neighbor- Name/age / etc.
· Specify the duration of your acquaintance.
· Describe the physical appearance of this individual.
· Share your sentiments toward this person.
Additional questions:
1. Have you ever assisted this neighbor?
2. Is there regular mutual visiting between you two?
Part 3: Discussion
How would you deal with noisy neighbors?
Were neighbors friendlier in the past, in your opinion?
What qualities do you think make a good neighbor?
What issues do neighbors often face?
How can we improve relationships with neighbors?
How do you envision neighborhoods in the future?